Featured Athlete – Betty Troyer

Betty has been training with CFB since August 2011 and since then she has made some big gains athletically. She was fit when she came to us and somehow she has still continued to find that next level. Betty is a great example of how proper form, correct scaling, and a little determination can improve your abilities in all areas of fitness.

I have finally found a workout that I absolutely love and look forward to doing everyday – CrossFit. I’m a 54 year old mother of 4 and grandmother of 9. I work for the Office of Injured Employee Counsel as an Ombudsman Supervisor for over 5 offices, all in different cities, including the Beaumont office.


For the most part, I have always done something to try to stay in shape.  In my early 30s I was a runner. After running my first 10 K and clenching the win in my age category, I was hooked. I ran for 12 years. As I got older, however, I realized that I needed to do more.  My brother is a trainer and he taught me so much about weight training and lifting techniques.  For several years I would get up at 4:00 AM and spend 2 to 3 hours in the gym lifting.  As long as I did this I was able to stay in good shape.  Last year I was working mostly out of town. Everyday one of my employees would come into the office talking about a wonderful workout called CrossFit that her and her husband were addicted to. I listened, but I didn’t believe that the workout she was going on and on about could be any better than the hours of extensive weight training I was doing every morning.


In October of last year, the CrossFit gym in that area was offering two weeks of On Ramp so I decided to go and check it out.  I enjoyed it, but since it was not the full-scale class, I wasn’t sure whether or not this was something I really wanted to do. In November, they offered one week of WODs free so again, I decided to go.  After this, I too was hooked.  I decided to officially join in January.  I began working out and did so for four months.  I was surprised at how much I could do.  Because of my competitive nature, CrossFit was perfect for me.  Daren was my favorite trainer. He would always push us and challenge us.  He always told us we could do more and encouraged us to do so. While I loved working out, I noticed that I was having problems with my right knee.  Every time I ran or did a lot of squats my knee would swell and be painful. I would have to ice it and keep it elevated. Walking down stairs became a chore.  I realized there was something seriously wrong.



I returned to Tyler in June, and that was a month of vacations, mission trips, and traveling to conferences for work. While I was home I decided I needed to go see an Orthopedic doctor to find out what was going on with my knee.  I had an MRI and X-rays done. I happened to be wearing my CrossFit t-shirt the day I had my consultation with my doctor, so he began asking me about CrossFit and where I was working out.  He commented on how good I looked especially for being my age.  After looking at my films, he said my knees looked like those of a 26 year old and that I still had a lot of my cushion between my joints.  He then told me I had a small torn lateral meniscus. He said I would not be able to do CrossFit until I got the meniscus repaired.  We went ahead and scheduled surgery for December 21, 2011.  In August, I decided to go ahead and join CrossFit Beaumont and see how my knee felt. I told Neal about my knee and he started me out nice and slow.  Neal was very conscious of my knee problem and made sure I had proper form.  As time has passed I have continued to do all the workouts and even add and increase weight. And guess what? I have not had any problems with my knee. I give Neal all the credit for making sure that my form was right and thus preventing any additional injury to my knee. In fact, my knee is actually doing so well, my surgery for December has actually been canceled!



CrossFit is my passion. I plan my weekdays around my workouts. I tell anyone who will listen how this is a workout like no other. I’m 54, almost 55, and look at me! CrossFit is definitely a huge reason for my success.

15 thoughts on “Featured Athlete – Betty Troyer”

  1. Betty you are a fantastic athlete. I hope I’m as fit at 54????? as you are. Thanks for making the community better everyday by showing up and being who you are.

  2. Betty your a beast. I have seen you working out almost every time I make the 6 O clock class and I had no idea you were 54! Your doctor was right, you are in incredible shape for your age, and an inspiration to younger guys like me to push it as hard as I can.

  3. That’s it Boss Lady, stay after it….stay fit…. You are wearing your almost 55 well. A lot of us should strive to be in half as good a shape…. this does give some incentive. Thanks

  4. It’s such a pleasure to have you in the gym week in and week out. You always have a great attitude and you’re always pushing yourself to get better. A great inspiration to us all!

  5. Wow…you look amazing…I am so proud of your continuous success and dedication. I am so proud of myself for introducing you to crossfit…not knowing a “new monster” to be born…LOL!!! You are amazing and do inspire many of us. As I always tell you “I am going to look like that at 54″…sexy and gorgeous. Keep up all the hard work…Bryan TX does miss you very much.

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Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!

Wade Aran


My name is Wade and I’ve been part of the CFB family for close to 3 years now. I’m happy to say that I’m the newest addition to the CFB coaching staff! Whether you’re a well rounded athlete or a complete novice, the coaching at CFB will push you down that pipeline to become a better athlete and also a better version of yourself. I’ve also found that being in the CF environment, there’s no better place to make new friends with the same mindset and goals. So come get fit, make some friends and let’s achieve our goals together!


Justin Moffatt


From a young age, sports have been a central part of my life, with football and golf being my main passions. I played football for 19 years, finishing up my career at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. I am currently stationed at my second Coast Guard unit in Port Arthur and joined CrossFit Beaumont upon arriving here in the fall of 2023.

In early 2023, a severe knee injury left my body at its weakest. I spent months in physical therapy, working hard to regain the ability to walk. Moving to Texas, I was determined to join a gym that emphasized community, camaraderie, and functional fitness applicable to everyday life. That’s exactly what I found at CrossFit Beaumont.

Less than a year into my CrossFit journey, my knee has fully recovered. I feel stronger, more flexible, and healthier than ever before. As an avid golfer, I’ve noticed significant improvements in my mobility and performance on the course thanks to CrossFit.

CrossFit has inspired me to learn the methods behind it so that I can be fully equipped to lead and inspire others on their own fitness journeys. What we do here works; I’ve seen it firsthand, and the results are evident all around the gym. I hope to do the same for you!


Yohannes Taddesse


Honestly, when I first joined CrossFit Beaumont back in July of 2021, I was in a weird place both mentally and physically. To get out of the rut, I tried other gyms, and I couldn’t find myself driven enough to go past three months or so. But when I tried that first class with CrossFit Beaumont, I knew immediately that I would be coming back. In fact, I signed up that very day. Though I had played soccer all my life and I was participating in the occasional 5Ks, 10Ks, and half marathons, I left that first class realizing how out of shape I really was. I was excited to come back and face the challenge. I recently learned that fitness is health and wellness throughout lifetime and by that definition, my journey is not complete. However, I have been here two years now and I am the healthiest that I have ever been. I am in a good place both mentally and physically. And as a plus, in sharing the challenge of the class with others, I made some of my best friends. I can never give enough appreciation to the coaches and the members that guided and cheered me through all of it . . . There just aren’t enough words. But I am now part of the coaching staff and it’s exciting for me to be able to share and help guide others through the fitness journey that I went and still am going through.


Sophie Hurley


Staying active has always been part of my life. I played sports growing up and I have been a dancer my entire life. In college I was searching for the next step in my health and fitness journey, not sure of where to go to achieve my goals. I stumbled upon CrossFit Beaumont and never looked back. The constant variation kept me interested and allowed me to do things I love as well as improving weaknesses. I am a dance instructor and I have a passion for sharing an active lifestyle with others. I am so grateful for the relationships I have developed within this community. Becoming a coach has been a dream come true and I am proud to be on the CFB team. There is nothing quite like the environment of CrossFit Beaumont and the opportunities I have to improve myself and cheer on those around me.


CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1)

Sean Bebeau


” Growing up, I was always on the move. I loved playing baseball, basketball, and football with friends. I loved the comradery we built over years of continuously rooting each other on. I especially loved the competition that forced us all to grow and improve. As I have begun my journey to becoming a coach at CrossFit Beaumont, I’ve realized the reasons I enjoy CrossFit so much are the very same reasons I loved athletics in my younger years. I’ve formed amazing friendships with the people I see in class every day. There is an awesome sense of competition that pushes me to do my absolute best in each workout. The benefits of the CrossFit methodology are great, but what makes CrossFit special is its unparalleled culture. I’m proud to be a part of the unbelievable team at CFB. I’ve seen the dedication and care that our coaches pour into their classes and athletes first hand. It is my goal to do the same for each person I get the opportunity to coach. “


CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1)

Javob Yentzen


I started at CFB almost 8 months ago. I will say JJ thoroughly disappointed me in promoting the atmosphere and the fun in suffering I have experienced. At least Neal would tell me to try it out from time to time. I am husband to Heather of 9 wonderful years, and father of crazy, wild, and awesome kiddos Bryson (3) and Bailey (5). Through the years since college, I really have just got into that sedentary life style that I always knew I needed to get out of. I needed it for my mental health as much as for my physical health. I have always done a month here and a couple months there at these globo gyms in town, just to never hang on and not find anything that got my competitive juices going. I have found that in life you will always find time for things that you enjoy and things that are important to you. And these gyms were never anything I enjoyed or became a priority. I now look at my schedule every week and see what classes I can make because CFB checks those enjoyment and important boxes. Since joining CFB, the fellowship and encouragement from members/coaches (now many friends) have been things that stuck out to me. Always someone there encouraging when you feel like you don’t have that last rep or those last 10 calories on those horrible assault bikes. Oh and I’ve also never been this fit in my life and look forward to the progress I know is still in front of me. Thank you to all friends and coaches! Can’t wait to get another pair of shoes……….


CF-L1 Trainer



I’ve been around sports my entire life. I played the big three growing up: baseball, basketball, and football and I continued to play baseball into college for five (5) years. I’ve seen and met all types of coaches and I’ve learned many lessons from them all. Coaching and teaching have always been passions of mine. Helping others set goals, seeing their journey, and helping them achieve those goals is something that really drives me. Crossfit has let me continue these competitive and coaching passions on a daily basis. We have great coaches at CFB that bring their own flair and styles which let myself and members gain a wealth of knowledge to continue to set and achieve goals.


CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1)



I have always been an athlete, from swimming, volleyball, basketball, softball and powerlifting, but college changed a lot of that for me. As I moved to Beaumont in 2014, I started getting into a little routine at a local gym, but it wasn’t feeding my need, just checking off a task on the to-do list. I hadn’t touched a barbell in what seemed like ages and lost sight of my self-confidence. All of that changed when I came to Crossfit Beaumont. It’s funny, reminiscing about that first day you walked in, those feelings and that slight anxiety, but it changed my life. The workouts were like nothing I’ve been through before, the motivation from other athletes, who were complete strangers then, was a new concept all together and the fact that we were doing it all together really changed the dynamic of working out for me.

Since joining, I have become a Crossfit Level 1 Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer and a USAWeightlifting Coach. I have crushed goals and made new ones, I’ve learned to set my pride and ego aside and become coachable and I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without the people I surround myself with at our gym. The passion, dedication and fun put into what we do here takes ‘just working out’ to a whole new level and I can’t wait to see what comes next.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



Growing up I always wanted to be a ballerina! I stayed active in dance and in swimming throughout the years. In 2012 post college I needed some structure in my workouts and habits. Oh my did I fall hard for Crossfit! Since joining Crossfit I have found a balance with my workouts and nutrition that I desired. As a coach, I love bringing other people into the wonderful community we have here at CFB.


CrossFit Level 2 (CF-L2)



CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Coach I have always had a passion for sports and fitness and love to compete no matter what. I thought myself in pretty good shape until trying my first CrossFit workout, Fight Gone Bad. Afterwards I was left on the floor unable to move wondering what the hell had just happened to me. I was hooked. Since starting I’ve gotten stronger, faster, and gained more endurance than I thought possible. CrossFit Beaumont is my dream come true of bringing a new level of training to everyone willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to attain elite fitness.CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Coach I have always had a passion for sports and fitness and love to compete no matter what. I thought myself in pretty good shape until trying my first CrossFit workout, Fight Gone Bad. Afterwards I was left on the floor unable to move wondering what the hell had just happened to me. I was hooked. Since starting I’ve gotten stronger, faster, and gained more endurance than I thought possible. CrossFit Beaumont is my dream come true of bringing a new level of training to everyone willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to attain elite fitness.


CrossFit Level 1 Instructor
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
CrossFit Gymnastics Coach
CrossFit Running & Endurance Coach


Owner/Head Coach

My whole life I’ve been involved with cheerleading, gymnastics, track, the whole nine yards; so when I stepped into my first CrossFit class as a collegiate cheerleader in January 2011 I was expecting it to be just another day at the gym and no big deal. Wow, was I mistaken! The first fifteen minutes of class I was sweating more and working harder than I ever had in a gym. I knew that I had found my new sport, CrossFit. The more I came the stronger I got, the faster I moved the more I was hooked. I love that the hard work we put in constantly reaps results and that no matter what you’re doing there’s someone there pushing you or dying along side with you. Training others has been the biggest blessing and I love seeing our community at CrossFit Beaumont thrive!


CrossFit Level 2 (CF-L2)
B.S. Nutrition & Dietetics


Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your membership on hold up to three calendar months per year. The hold must be a minimum of 15 days in duration. After hold duration, payments will resume and you will have a new billing date will now be the day when the hold is released.


All membership agreements require 15-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 15-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 15-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$15 Per Class


2895 Laurel Ave, Beaumont, Texas 77702

(409) 219-6044


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